Instagram for Kids is in the progress for children under 13

Is there an Instagram for kids? What’s the worst that could happen?

Facebook’s parent company is working on a new version of Instagram for kids and tweens. Instagram users must already be 13 years old or older.

Instagram’s vice president of product, Vishal Shah have unveiled the initiative in a Facebook post for employees on Thursday.

“I’m happy to share that we’ve established youth work as a focus for Instagram in the future, and it’s been added to our H1 priority list. Instagram’s new policy prohibits minor under the age of 13 from using the app”,  Vishal wrote to employees.

“Kids are constantly telling their parents whether they can use applications to catch up with their peers “According to a Facebook spokesperson. “There aren’t many solutions for parents right now, but we’re focusing on developing new products like Messenger Kids that are appropriate for children and can be handled by their parents.

In 2017, Facebook released an ad-free version of its Messenger chat app for kids, aimed at children aged 6 to 12. Children’s wellbeing advocates slammed it as detrimental to children’s welfare and asked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to stop using it.

Instagram, a photo-sharing service that started as a way to show off yet another filtered version of your life, grew into a digital tentacle of Facebook’s ad empire.

Instagram for Kids is in the progress for children under 13

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